Grease Traps

Grease Trap Cleanout Services for Albany, NY; Troy, NY; Clifton Park, NY & Schenectady, NY

Grease traps are designed to separate fats, oils, and grease from your septic system. However, grease traps can easily become clogged with the oils, fat, grease, sludge, and other kitchen waste it’s trying to separate. If your grease trap isn’t cleaned properly, the clogs can lead to water back-ups and a full slate of other plumbing issues. Therefore, it’s imperative that you reach out to a professional septic service company to handle your grease trap cleanings.

The team at ProSeptic LLC can thoroughly clean your grease trap using effective tools, equipment, and cleaners. Plus, we can determine a cleaning schedule that works best for you and your grease trap system.

Request Our Grease Trap Cleaning Services Now!

Whether you’re looking for regularly scheduled grease trap services or you have a grease trap that needs immediate attention, ProSeptic LLC is here to help. We have all the tools, equipment, and knowledge needed to thoroughly and effectively remove any oils and grease that are inhibiting your equipment from functioning correctly.

If you’re a property owner in Albany, NY; Troy, NY; Clifton Park, NY; or Schenectady, NY, request our grease trap cleaning solutions today.

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